Useful Quick Links
- City of Charleston GIS
- City Staff Directory
- Charleston County GIS
- Charleston County Staff Directory
- Charleston County Government
- City of Charleston Government
- Charleston County Zoning and Planning
- City of Charleston Zoning
- SCDOT or City Grass Maintenance
- Hurricane Information
- Charleston County Fema Flood Zones
- City of Charleston Fema Flood Zones
- St. Johns Fire District
- Consolidated 911 Center
- Berkeley Electric Coop
- St. Johns Water Company
- Charleston Water Systems
Citizens Resources Within City or County
- Citizens Service Desk SCDOT or City
- Ditch Cleaning
- Garbage Roll Cart Requests or Complaint
- Get a Pothole Fixed
- Missed Garbage Collection
- Missed Trash Collection
- Overgrown Yard or Vacant Lot
- Pay a Parking Ticket
- Sidewalk Repair
- Street Drains or Driveway Pipe Cleaning
Road Maintenance
Johns Island roads are maintained by either Charleston County or SCDOT — depending on who owns the roadway.
If you have a concern about a road on Johns Island, we encourage you to place a work order request with appropriate agency.
SCDOT Contacts
- Christy Hall, SC Secretary of Transportation Office: (803) 737-0874
- Robert Robbins, SCDOT Commissioner (district includes Charleston County),
- Robert Clark, SCDOT District 5 Supervisor (district includes Charleston County),
- James Mattox, SCDOT lead for the Mark Clark Extension,
District County Representatives
- District 8 includes all of Johns Island except those areas of the Island located in District 9. Joe Boykin, 843-214-0337
- District 9 includes two small areas of Johns Island. One area is just northeast of the Maybank and River intersection (Fenwick, HQ Plantation and Rushland Landing). The other is the area just north of Freshfields (Kiawah River Estates/Hope Plantation). Jenny Honeycutt,, 843-693-6447
- District 6 includes Main Road from Bees Ferry to the Limehouse Bridge. Kylon Middleton,, 843-325-4577
District City Council Members
- District One Councilmember
Boyd Gregg - District Two Councilmember
Kevin Shealy - District Three Councilmember
Jason Sakran - District Four Councilmember
Robert M. Mitchell - District Five Councilmember
Karl L. Brady, Jr. - District Six Councilmember
William Dudley Gregorie - District Seven Councilmember
Perry K. Waring - District Eight Councilmember
Michael S. Seekings - District Nine Councilmember
A. Peter Shahid, Jr. - District Ten Councilmember
Stephen Bowden - District Eleven Councilmember
Ross A. Appel - District Twelve Councilmember
Caroline Parker